Kate Colby is author of four books of poetry, including Beauport (Litmus Press) and The Return of the Native (Ugly Duckling Press). Her first book, Fruitlands, won the 2007 Norma Farber First Book Award. She hosts a quarterly poetry series at the Gloucester Writers Center in Massachusetts, and lives with her family in Providence, RI. Read work here and see Kate reading here.
Kate Schapira is the author of How We Saved the City (Stockport Flats), The Bounty: Four Addresses (Noemi Press) TOWN (Factory School, Heretical Texts Series), and The Soft Place (forthcoming from Horseless Press in 2012), as well as several chapbooks with Flying Guillotine, Cy Gist, Rope-A-Dope and Horseless Presses and Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs. She lives in Providence, where she co-runs the Publicly Complex Reading Series and teaches writing to college students and fourth-grade scientists. Read work here, here, and here.

Michelle Taransky is Reviews Editor for Jacket2 and the author of Barn Burned, Then (Omnidawn 2009), selected by Marjorie Welish for the 2008 Omnidawn Poetry Prize. Taransky lives in Philadelphia where she works at Kelly Writers House and teaches writing and poetry at University of Pennsylvania. A chapbook, No, I Will Be In The Woods, was just published by Brave Men Press. Read work here and here.