Next up at Small Animal Project

Monday, 12/14/09
Jack Christian, Cheryl Clark Vermeulen, Zach Savich
Outpost 186
186 1/2 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, MA
8 pm

Jack Christian is the author of the chapbook Let’s Collaborate from Magic Helicopter Press. His poems are upcoming in Drunken Boat, Sixth Finch, and Thermos, and his work has appeared recently in Cimarron Review, notnostrums, Phoebe, and Diagram. He is from Richmond, Virginia, and lives now in Northampton, Massachusetts.

Cheryl Clark Vermuelen’s poems and translations can be found in the journals DIAGRAM, Third Coast, admit2, Can we have our ball back?, Carve [poems], Dispatx, and eXchanges, as well as the anthology Connecting Lines: New Poetry from Mexico. Her chapbook Dead-Eye Spring is published by Cy Gist Press. Hailing from Illinois, she now lives in Boston and teaches writing at the New England Conservatory and the Cambridge Center for Adult Education.

Zach Savich’s first book, Full Catastrophe Living, won the Iowa Poetry Prize. He has had recent poems in Boston Review, Denver Quarterly,Kenyon Review, and the anthology Best New Poets 2008.